A Maelstrom themed FFxiv RP Community on Balmung, accepting characters who fall into the following IC categories: Maelstrom officers, Knights of the Barracudas, Yellowjackets, Mealvaan's Gate personnel, Privateers, Foreign Levy (Adventurers).Founded in June, 2016!


Who We Are ICly

Though we are a military group, our IC flavor is a little bit different than your typical military setup. In a nutshell, the Maelstrom is comprised of former pirate crews, each whom had agreed to serve whichever Admiral might be sitting in Limsa's high seat at the time. When Merlwyb won the most recent Trident competition, declared martial law, and essentially established herself as the permanent leader of the Limsan Navy, many former Knights of the Barracuda made the switch to the newly reestablished Grand Company of Limsa Lominsa (the Maelstrom). Overall, they're an organized military group, with a clear rank and uniform hierarchy, that operates in a slightly more chaotic good/chaotic neutral alignment than similar groups.

Maelstrom, 1st Squadron, 9th Levy

The Maelstrom's 1st Squadron, 9th Levy (AKA, the 1-9) is a headcanon newly formed branch of the Maelstrom, led by Storm Commander Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn. It's primarily a land-based Levy with the intention to become the first fully operational Airship Levy of the Maelstrom. But, resources are slim, and the Maelstrom is still rebuilding its naval fleet, most of which was destroyed during the Calamity. So, in the meantime, the 1-9 serves as a land-based force with a tendency to accept some of the Maelstrom's more unusual missions, many of which take them outside of strictly La Noscean territories.Their headquarters is stationed in the Mist (Ward 7, Plot 2, Balmung).

Limsan Lore

Need a hand with some character development? Cool! Check out Sounsyy's extensive lore posts for all things Limsa:

Looking for more FFxiv Lore? You can find Sounsyy's Lore Index here. If you find Sounsyy's research and articles useful, consider buying them a coffee to say thanks!

Who We Are OOCly

Discord & LinkShell focused

We are a Discord and LinkShell focused group, meaning that we don't require folks to join the FC in order to be considered a fully-fledged member of the community. In fact, we only have an FC for the sake of having a themed house, and we don't use FC chat in-game at all.

Collaborative & Community-Run

We are a largely community-run group, meaning that the members are given as much creative power as they would like in creating events and deciding what direction we would like to go as a group ICly. We love collaborating: planning events together, taking turns DMing, finding ways to tie our character's backstories together, etc.! Our focus as a community is to help each other move the personal stories of our individual characters forward using the backdrop of Limsan lore and a loose military structure as a force that helps drive it all forward.That being said, we do have a leadership team who's in charge of steering the ship and taking care of administrative stuff:

  • LEADER & FOUNDER = Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn (Moen Moen)

  • OFFICERS = Sounsyy Mirke, Ojene Suinuet

  • RECRUITMENT TEAM = Sounsyy Mirke, Honoura Hawke, Rinh Panipahr, Jordan Kennedy

A Safe Space

Above all else, we are determined to be a safe place to share ideas, grow as creatives, and to have fun, dangit! We avoid drama, encourage one another, and cultivate a positive and inclusive atmosphere. We value real-life events over RP pretendy time and never pressure or guilt folks into being more active. Event attendance is never required!This is, and will forever be, a LGBTQIA+ safe space.

Ranks & Uniforms

Our Approach to Military Ranks

Here in FLEET, we adhere to the original Maelstrom lore regarding ranks which differs from the newer in-game Grand Company Barracks mechanic that was introduced. If you're hoping to be a Lieutenant, Captain, or Elite ICly so that you can wear the coat/gear ICly, know that we treat the Lieutenant and Captain coats, and all Elite gear, as "fancy military dress wear" that personnel can wear to special events regardless of their IC rank. All ICly Ranked Lieutenants, Captains, and Elites are still required to wear the same plain old dress and field gear outlined in the Uniform Requirements below.Also keep in mind that all characters that are Lieutenant rank or higher will be required to create and run RP events for the LinkShell community, whereas creating & running events for lower IC ranking characters is optional.

Required Uniforms

There are 3 uniforms that you will be responsible for acquiring for your character. Some require Grand Company Seals, some require crafted items that will need to be dyed, and some require dungeon drops. RP events will often require uniforms. Info about which uniform to wear will be found in the event details in our Discord #event-postings channel.

Rank Info & Uniforms

Maelstrom Personnel

Other branches

Storm Commander

About the Commander Rank

OOC Expectations

If you'd like to play at this rank, we ask that you create an RP event for the LS/FC about once every month, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.NOTE: Sylb is the sole leader of the Maelstrom Command RP Community OOCly. Joining as a Commander ICly won't elevate you to a position of OOC leadership over the community at large.

IC Role

STATUS: Commissioned OfficerEvery Levy is lead by one Commander, who is the highest ranking officer in the Levy. The Commander interacts directly with the Coral Tower and accepts/delegates assignments, while the Captains beneath them relay and carry out instructions to the Units/crews.This rank is primarily administrative, communicating with the Coral Tower and following their orders, but like the Captains, they too can be seen on the ground/sea in the thick of the action.**Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn is the Commander of 1st Squadron, 9th Levy – the primary Levy for this LS/FC.


Dress Uniform - Commander

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • HEAD: Company Hat (Dalamud Red)

  • CHEST: Lominsan Officer’s Overcoat (7,340 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: Lominsan Officer’s Gloves (4,650 GC Seals)

  • LEGS: your choice!

  • FEET: Lominsan Officer’s Boots (5,100 GC Seals)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Field Uniform - Commander

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Felt Cavalier's Hat (Soot Black)

  • CHEST: Felt Bliaud / Wolf Bliaud (Rolanberry Red)

  • HANDS: none

  • LEGS: Felt Trousers (Goobbue Grey)

  • FEET: Mercenary Leggings (Lotus Pink) *Wanderer’s Palace drop (NM) - first boss

  • WEAPON :your choice!

Chocobo Barding - Commander

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Crested Barding (8,000 Grand Company Seals)

Captain & Lieutenant

About the Captain Rank

OOC Expectations

If you'd like to play at this rank, we ask that you create a RP event for the LS/FC about once every 2 months, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.

IC Role

STATUS: Commissioned OfficerCaptains command the Units within a Levy, using Lieutenants to assist. Aboard a naval vessel, the Captain is the highest ranking commissioned officer and is responsible for the day-to-day affairs of the ship.At this rank, an officer will have to spend a considerable amount of time on paperwork, supervision, and supply requests. How much direct combat they face varies, but they are still active field officers, and therefore are still seen on the field.

About the Lieutenant Rank

OOC Expectations

Create an RP event for the LS/FC about once every 3 months, and be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day.

IC Role

STATUS: Commissioned OfficerLieutenants serve immediately subordinate to a Captain. While the Captain may oversee the function of all Units within a Levy, Lieutenants may be assigned to command each one (while using higher ranking/more experienced Sergeant to assist them).


Dress Uniform

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • HEAD: Lominsan Officer’s Cap (4,800 GC Seals)

  • CHEST: Lominsan Officer’s Overcoat (7,340 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: Lominsan Officer’s Gloves (4,650 GC Seals)

  • LEGS: your choice!

  • FEET: Lominsan Officer’s Boots (5,100 GC Seals)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Field Uniform

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Woolen Cavalier's Hat (Soot Black)

  • CHEST: Woolen Bliaud (Rust or Blood Red)

  • HANDS: none

  • LEGS: Cotton Sarouel (Undyed)

  • DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (undyed)

  • FEET: Goatskin Leggings (Bark Brown)

  • DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Bark Brown)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Crested Barding (8,000 Grand Company Seals)


About the Sergeant Rank

OOC Expectations

If you'd like to play at this rank, we ask that you be available to ICly take charge of situations and give IC orders at events that occur in the day-to-day should no Lieutenant or Captain be present.

IC Role

STATUS: Petty OfficerAs the lowest rank of officer in the Maelstrom, Sergeants do not have their own command. However, they can assist under the supervision of Lieutenants or the permission of Captains. This usually happens in larger Levy or Unit with need of more supervising officers, but it can occur in smaller ones if necessary.Most specialists aboard a ship (e.x. Midshipmen, armourers, Masters-at-arms) are Sergeants. In infantries (e.x. Yellowjackets and Storm outposts in Vylbrand), many Sergeants can be found as Drill Sergeants, Quartermasters, or Boatswains.


Dress Uniform

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • HEAD: Lominsan Soldier’s Cap (680 GC Seals)

  • CHEST: Lominsan Soldier’s Overcoat (1,040 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: Lominsan Soldier’s Gloves (660 GC Seals)

  • LEGS: your choice!

  • FEET: Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Field Uniform

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Storm Sergeant's Sallet (2,860 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Silver Circlet (Garnet)

  • CHEST: Storm Sergeant's Bliaud (3,280 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: none

  • LEGS: Storm Private's Trousers (1,360 GC Seals, Soot Black)

  • DoM: Chimerical Felt Skirt (Slate Grey)

  • FEET: Storm Sergeant's Leggings (2,710 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Charcoal Grey)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Half Barding (4,000 Grand Company Seals)

Corporal & Private

About the Corporal & Private Ranks

OOC Expectations

We ask that Corporals & Privates follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.

IC Role

STATUS: EnlistedLowest ranks in the Maelstrom. These men and women are the ordinary able-bodied foot soldiers and seamen of the Thalassocracy. While belonging to the Maelstrom affords some measure of status and respect, these are still the “grunts” of the Grand Company.The majority of Maelstrom soldiers fall under these ranks. While they are able to advance their station through merit, actions for the Maelstrom, or the acquisition of Storm Seals, most will never become anything other than enlisted.


Dress Uniform

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • HEAD: Lominsan Soldier’s Cap (680 GC Seals)

  • CHEST: Lominsan Soldier’s Overcoat (1,040 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: Lominsan Soldier’s Gloves (660 GC Seals)

  • LEGS: your choice!

  • FEET: Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Field Uniform

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Storm Private's Sallet (1,280 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Velveteen Wedge Cap of Crafting (Adamantoise Green)

  • CHEST: Storm Private's Bliaud (1,960 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: none

  • LEGS: Cotton Sarouel (Adamantoise Green)

  • DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (Adamantoise Green)

  • FEET: Storm Private's Leggings (970 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Shale Brown)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals)

Recruit & Initiate

About the Recruit and Initiate Ranks

OOC Expectations

We ask that Recruites & Initiates follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.

IC Role

STATUS: Enlisted, but in trainingThese are the characters who have just enlisted in the Maelstrom and are undergoing training. It can include fresh faced youngins who've never seen battle of any kind before, and seasons veterans who might be pros when it comes to weaponry but are absolute shite when it comes to working alongside other soldiers as a team (and therefore require training more for the teamwork and tactics aspect).


Dress Uniform

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • NONE – Recruits & Initiates are too low ranking to have proper dress uniforms.

Field Uniform

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Storm Private's Sallet (1,280 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Velveteen Wedge Cap of Crafting (Adamantoise Green)

  • CHEST: Storm Private's Bliaud (1,960 GC Seals)

  • HANDS: none

  • LEGS: Cotton Sarouel (Adamantoise Green)

  • DoM: Linen Sarouel of Gathering (Adamantoise Green)

  • FEET: Storm Private's Leggings (970 GC Seals)

  • DoM: Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting (Shale Brown)

  • WEAPON: your choice!

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals)


About Non-Combatants

OOC Expectations

Depends on the character's IC rank. Take a look at the rank page for the rank that you'd like to play for OOC Expectations.

IC Role

STATUS: Depends on the character's IC rank within the MaelstromThese are all enlisted characters that serve the Maelstrom but do so without seeing actual combat. They may stay behind and tend to the base, focus on administrative tasks or research, practice law, etc. Non-combatants can be found in any Unit and can be of any IC rank.Folks in the Provisional Unit are most often seen in these uniforms, but these uniforms are not limited to the Provisional Unit.


Dress Uniform

Typically worn when the Maelstrom is meant to leave an impression and be clearly visible. Within city limits, special occasions, official briefings etc.

  • Depends on the character's IC rank. Take a look at the rank page for the rank that you'd like to play and adhere to the dress uniform requirements found there.

Field Uniform

Typically worn for day-to-day grungier work outside of city limits.

  • HEAD: Wind Silk Wedge Cap (undyed)

  • CHEST: Company Tabard (Dalamud Red)

  • HANDS: None

  • LEGS: Amateur’s Breeches (Soot Black)

  • FEET: Lominsan Soldier’s Boots (730 GC Seals)

  • RECOMMENDED WEAPON: Any book, if equipment is visible

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Depends on the character's IC rank. Take a look at the rank page for the rank that you'd like to play and adhere to the chocobo barding requirements found there.


About Yellowjackets

OOC Expectations

We ask that Yellowjackets follow IC orders! No IC leadership required.

IC Role

STATUS: EnlistedBasic law enforcement for Lominsan territories – especially beyond Limsa Lominsa itself. All Yellowjackets appear to wear the same uniform regardless of rank with the exception of the rare Yellowjacket Major, who appears to be the highest possible Yellowjacket rank and thus wears a different helm.


Standard Field Uniform

  • HEAD: Iron Sallet (Soot Black)

  • CHEST: Linen Shirt (Honey Yellow)

  • HANDS: Fingerless Boarskin Gloves (Soot Black)

  • LEGS: Woolen Sarouel (Soot Black)

  • FEET: Vintage Thighboots (Shadow Blue)

  • NECK: None

  • RECOMMENDED WEAPON: Storm Private’s Labrys (1,170 GC Seals)

Field Uniform: Major

  • HEAD: Unknown

  • CHEST: Linen Shirt (Honey Yellow)

  • HANDS: Fingerless Boarskin Gloves (Soot Black)

  • LEGS: Woolen Sarouel (Soot Black)

  • FEET: Vintage Thighboots (Shadow Blue)

  • NECK: None

  • RECOMMENDED WEAPON: Any Maelstrom issued gun

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty.

  • Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals)

Other Divisions

About Privateers, Mealvaan's Gate officials, & Foreign Levy

OOC Expectation

We ask that Privateers, Mealvaan's Gate officials, and Foreign Levy follow IC orders when working a job with the 1-9. No IC leadership required.

IC Role

STATUS: Enlisted on a "freelance" basisThe Foreign Levy refers to all Adventurers who assist the Maelstrom. Mealvaan's Gate officials are Limsa's "cusoms" department, checking all incoming and outgoing ships to ensure that all cargo is legal, and that everything is as its supposed to be. Privateers are pirates for hire, their agreement to the Admiral is to pirate all Garlean ships they find – and no Maelstrom ships – and bring all of the spoils back to Limsa. Some are contracted by the Maelstrom to fight on behalf of Limsa as well.


None Required

No uniform requirements for Privateers, Mealvaan's Gate officials, or Foreign Levy. Wear what you'd like!

Chocobo Barding

Worn (by their chocobo) whenever traveling while on duty for the 1-9.

  • Lominsan Barding (6,000 Grand Company Seals) - unless they're a representative from a different Grand Company who's assisting the Maelstrom in some way, in which case wear whichever GC barding is 6,000 seals from your GC

The Command Center

Mist: Ward 7, Plot 2 (Balmung)

We were winners in the SE Housing Decoration contest in 2018 (look for "MoenMoen"s entry)! And our decor has only gotten better since. Come visit any time. Our guestbook is located on the ground floor.

IC History

After the unfortunate and bizarre destruction of the 1-9's former Mist command center, the Levy obtained an old distillery that they were able to convert into a functioning command center.It's said that the building is haunted, though there's speculation that the various knocks, warm spots, and lingering pockets of the smell of ale might be due to old machinery and storage rooms that may exist below the building's cellar floor.Who's to say, really?

Areas of Interest

The Training Yard (empty land next to the House)

It's not uncommon for Mist residents living near the Commander Center to hear the cries of Maelstrom Captains rallying their recruits for early morning training drills, their axes clattering against the massive boulder found at its center. Here, the Levy finds enough room for largescale training exercises that the narrow target practice lanes in the Command Center yard cannot yield.

The Soldier's Yard (Outside Front Yard)

Here the personnel of the Maelstrom 1-9 gather to hone their skills on training dummies, soak in a hot spring bath after a long day's work, tend to the Levy gardens, and stable their company chocobos for care. Those with access to the estate's watchtower even have roof access (use the furniture behind the house to pop up onto the roof), offering the best view of the ward. Not bad at sunset either!Be warned, the Yellowjackets assigned to estate security are always watching.

The Great Hall (Ground Floor)

A common meeting place for visitors and personnel alike, the Great Hall is the first area that you step into when you enter the Command Center: Mist. It contains an impressive aquarium known for drawing all manner of Mist locals in for a look. Atop the grand staircase, a portrait of the Maelstrom's Admiral hangs in a place of honor.

Llymlaen's Rest (Ground Floor)

A shrine and quiet place of prayer for the more religious among the Levy. It's common for personnel to toss a coin into Llymlaen's fountains before embarking on a dangerous mission, whispering their prayer and asking for a safe return. Removing a coin from this holy shrine is believed to bring severe personal calamity upon the thief, so none touch the coins once they've been placed. And so, the fountains overflows with them.

Community Mission Board

Here, visitors will find a guestbook to share their thoughts (OOC or IC!) and a community mission board where citizens can post requests for aid. These requests are processed by the Levy's quartermasters who then transcribes them into official local leves for the Levy, should any personnel choose to accept.

The Mess Hall (upper floor)

Reeking of ale, cigar smoke, sweat, and whatever fine eatin' the Levy cooks have prepared for the day, the Mess Hall is a grungey respite for equally ripe personnel who've just hung their hats and are ready for some off-duty time to kick their feet up with their mates. Favorite activities include drinking games, bawdy singing, a game of cards, and the occasional thousand malm stare.

The Leve Counters (upper floor)

For those who don't intend to make it all the way to Limsa for a leve, local requests can be picked up and dropped off here for varying amounts of grand company seals. And, sometimes even gil.

The Public Records Room (upper floor)

A repository for all non-classified public records, made available to personnel and common citizens alike. Grab some records, head over to a table, and flip through them until you've found what you need. The helpful record keeper is ready to make copies of whatever you require.

The Ballroom (Cellar)

Though most commonly used for large-scale Levy meetings and mission briefings, this large, narrow, ship-like room gets its name from the popular event that takes place on its floor once a year: the Annual Grand Company Soldier's Ball. A rare night in which the worn briefing benches are whisked away, red carpets laid down, and allies and citizens from all city-states are invited to enjoy a time of dancing and merriment.

Themed RP Rooms

The house, as well as all Private Chambers, are entirely themed for different RP purposes. We use ☆ ★ marks to distinguish which rooms are Restricted (only high ranking personnel with proper clearance can enter), and open for common use (all registered personnel).★ Marked rooms = ICly Open for Common Use☆ Marked rooms = ICly RestrictedThe kinds of themed rooms that we have available change from time to time based on our needs, and on the coming and going of FC members. We're a Discord and LinkShell focused community, so FC membership is not important at all, and therefore sees characters coming and going.We pay FC members 300k per themed RP room that they create in the FC House! Let Sylb know if you'd like to join the FC and create a themed RP room. She will hook you up.

The Crew Roster

We organize our characters into five different Units for IC flavor but folks are not restricted to playing only with others from their Unit. Everyone plays with everyone else regardless of which Unit they're in.

**note: this is a new section and sylb is still working on getting everyone listed, so there are big holes in the roster atm.

Want your Character's profile added?

Can do! In order to have your character's profile added to the Crew Roster page you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have participated in at least 3 RP events on that character (casual events count)

  • Have filled out a Character Sheet for that character (we need a Sheet for all playing characters, including each alt)

  • Have taken a headshot screenie of your character in their uniform

  • Have DMed Moen (Sylb) to provide the screenshot and ask that she add your character to the Crew Roster page

Moen (Sylb) will add your character as soon as she's able! She's a busy gal though, so be aware that it might take a little while.



Duties Include:

  • Law enforcement patrols & guard duty

  • First responder to calls in the Mist, and La Noscean territories

  • Train troops, test battle skills, & organize/participate in drills




Adding them soon!


Foreign Levy

Adding them soon!


UNIT FUNCTION: Healing & Medical Care

Duties include:

  • Provide general & emergency healthcare to soldiers in the Infirmary

  • Act as battle healers in the field as the other Units require them

  • Evaluate the psychological and physical well-being of all personnel



Adding them soon!


Adding them soon!

Foreign Levy


UNIT FUNCTION: Administrative

Duties include:

  • Quartermaster duties - payday, issue equipment & access cards etc.

  • Record keeping & lockdown of issued gear, equipment & goods

  • Place & receive orders on the Maelstrom’s behalf

  • Taking care of the Command center: cooking, cleaning, decorating, feeding the fish, etc.



Adding them soon!


Adding them soon!

Foreign Levy

Research & Development

UNIT FUNCTION: Information & Technology

Duties include:

  • Experiment with technology to engineer new, battle-ready Airships

  • Research that aids with battle-ready Airship engineering & supports open cases/missions

  • Track, hunt, and study elite marks in La Noscean territories



None submitted yet!


None submitted yet!

Foreign Levy

None submitted yet!

Internal Affairs

UNIT FUNCTION: Investigation & Litigation

Duties include:

  • Detective work (investigation)

  • Gather intel (sometimes undercover/covert)

  • Evidence storage & analysis



Mealvaan's Gate


Adding them soon!

Foreign Levy

Adding them soon!


RP Campaigns

Following major Grand Company related MSQ themes, we put our heads together as a group and plan out months-long RP campaigns with a focus on enriching our individual character stories. To minimize burnout, we take turns leading events, each player volunteering to lead one or two of the main events in the campaign. When we have a campaign running, main events typically take place every other weekend with more casual themed events every other Thursday night.

Current Campaigns

All is Quiet at the Ghimlyt Dark (4.5 MSQ)

February 4, 2021 - May 13, 2021We are time-bubbling back to a time when the Eorzean Alliance and Ala Mhigan Resistance fought side by side in the trenches at Ghimlyt Dark. This campaign will include trench warfare, an IC Ghimlyt Dark dungeon run, and an IC Ruby Weapon run.Interested in playing through this campaign with us? Join the community!

The First AU (5.0 MSQ)

Alternate, First-native versions of our characters living through the events of Shadowbringers 5.0 on the First.This campaign is stop-and-go as we feel like it. We're not sticking to a strict schedule of events.

Past Campaigns

  • Diplomatic Mission to Doma (4.3 MSQ)

  • Stormblood (4.0 MSQ)

  • The Limsa Bomber

(Summaries coming soon)

Recurring Events

Casual RP Night

Once every other Thursday night from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST we get together for some casual RP. We classify casual RP as non-combat content that doesn't advance the current storyline. Rather, it supplements it - giving characters some time to process together ICly. But, its theme for the night doesn't have to be tied to a major campaign or storyline. Slice of life RP, storytelling, seeing what happens if you try to feed a carbuncle a roast dodo - we've do a range of themes!We typically decide what the theme will be an hour, or even a few minutes before we start RPing. Folks are welcome to drop in and out at any time for the duration of the RP window.

Server-wide Events

Once or twice a year we'll host a Maelstrom themed server-wide event that all FFxiv RPers can enjoy - not just our small community. The most common events that we host are our Annual Grand March Parade through Limsa Lominsa, and our Annual Grand Company Soldier's Ball that we host at our FC House in the Mist.

One-off Events

These are events that fall outside of an ongoing storyline or Campaign series'. They're most often created by members and range in theme.We encouraged all of our members to take their RP event ideas and run with them, offering support and help where we can.

A Boming in Limsa Lominsa

August - October 2016

Campaign Summary


RP Logs

Bombing investigation continued: Bismarck

The Maelstrom is called to the Bismarck to investigate the discovery of a hand found within the belly of a recently caught shark… A hand garbed in the tattered remains of a Yellowjacket’s uniform…Read the Logs Here

Amelia Braddock Arrest Debrief Meeting

After a group of Maelstrom soldiers arrest a women by the name of Amelia Braddock in connection with the bombings, Captain Jordan Kennedy of the Internal Affairs Unit calls the soldiers forward to give her a full debriefing of the incident. The briefing reveals that years ago a different Maelstrom Levy had wrongfully moved against Amelia Braddock, razing her crew and forcing her to pay off her debt by working for the Maelstrom - all based on bad intel.Read the Logs Here


We have a set of OOC rules as well as a set of IC rules. Breaking the OOC rules could lead to your dismissal from the community, whereas IC rules are more intended to be extra IC flavor.

OOC Rules

Neglecting to follow these rules may result in you being removed from the community (Discord, LS/FC). Three strikes and you're out no matter how much we love you. It's that simple. So, read carefully. :]

1. Be Respectful

This is the most important rule! And the one that former members have most often removed for.Honor people's personal OOC boundaries, understand that no means no and don't be pushy. Don't get hostile or belittle others due to differences in OOC beliefs. No name calling. No bigotry of any kind. No rape jokes. No trolling RP. No godmodeing. No mansplaining. No lore gatekeeping. And when someone asks you to stop doing/talking about something in a public channel, stop.This is, and will always be, a LGBTQIA+ friendly zone!

2. Be encouraging and supportive of one another

Help each other out ICly & OOCly. Say hello to new members. Cheer each other on!

3. Be proactive about your RP ideas

Don't wait for leadership to create cool events for you – if you have an idea, create your own event for the group!

4. No Drama

If you have an issue with another player, try to work it out amongst yourselves first. Do not drag other people in the community into the situation. Do not gossip, spread rumors, or complain about other players, characters, LinkShells, or Free Companies in the public channels. If you can't work the issue out privately, then let Sylb, Ojene, or Sounsyy know and they'll help!

5. Keep it family friendly-ish

NSFW content and innuendos should be contained to our 18+ NSFW Discord channel. Even then, keep it light – this is not the place to express dark fantasies. If it's illegal or violent, it doesn't belong in public chat.

6. No Spies, Uncercover enemy operatives, etc.

We prefer that all characters on the Maelstrom Command community roster be who they claim to be ICly. Sylb will make exceptions on occasion for plot purposes. If you would like to play a spy or enemy operative who's posing as a friend within the Maelstrom then talk to Sylb. She may allow it if it makes sense, though she will likely require you to OOCly disclose to the community that your character is a spy/enemy operative.

OOC Consequences

Breaking rules happens sometimes - even on accident! And we understand that. We also know that when people are corrected once they can learn from their mistake and be more careful in the future. Because of this, we stick to a warning + 3 strike system.

Light Offenses:

If we notice that you're breaking a minor rule a lot (consistently posting in the wrong channels for instance) and we don't have any reason to believe that you're doing it on purpose or with malicious intent, a Mod will gently remind you to follow whichever rule you're breaking in the public channel where it occurs. In that case, you're not in trouble. The Mods are just doing their job to keep content topics organized.Sometimes the Mods will give you a heads up in a DM instead. Receiving a DM from a mod doesn't mean that you're in trouble. Don't worry! If you're in trouble then they'll clearly tell you that you're in trouble and we'll talk through it. :)

Official Warning:

If you've broken a rule that's more serious and has resulted in someone feeling rightfully uncomfortable, you will receive a private DM from a Mod reminding you to adhere to the rule that you've broken, and informing you that you have an official warning. You only get one official warning before the Mods begin to issue strikes for repeated offenses. The warning will expire in one year if no more offenses occur.

Strikes 1 and 2:

If you continue to break the rules and make fellow members uncomfortable, you will receive a private DM from a Mod reminding you to adhere to the rule that you've broken, and informing you that you have an official strike. When you reach Strike 2, you are one offense away from being immediately removed from the discord server.

Strike 3 - you're out!:

Upon reaching Strike 3, you will be immediately removed from the discord server by a Mod. The Mod will inform you of your 3rd strike and cite the offense that it stems from, but no further discussion about the behavior will occur.

Exceptions to the 3 Strike policy:

The Mods can decide to forego the 3 strike policy at any time for any reason. This typically only occurs if it's clear that the person with whom they are speaking has no real interest in changing their behavior, even in the first conversation with them about their behavior.Additionally, if members of the discord server privately provide the Mods with proof that someone is guilty of harassment, as defined by our #rules, the Mods may forego the 3 Strike policy and remove them from the server immediately. Whether or not they choose to speak to this person before the decision to remove them is made is up to the Mods.

IC Rules

These are a set of IC rules that your character must ICly follow – or face IC consequences of breaking these rules. IC consequences will always be OOCly discussed ahead of time and never forced on folks!NOTE: Commander Ostulmsyn can grant personal clearance for some of these rules if circumstances require it.

1. Follow your orders

... And respect your commanding and superior Officers.

2. While on duty, do not remove your uniform

... Unless life or limb depends on it. This includes the bucket hat (sorry, LOL).

3. While off duty, do not pursue perpetrators or investigate cases

... etc. – instead, call it in & the soldiers currently on duty will respond.

4. Do not get involved with pursuing justice for crimes outside of Maelstrom jurisdiction (La Noscea) in an official capacity

... Instead, call it in and alert either the Adders or the Flames, depending on which presides over the territory. (Exceptions for campaigns that are based outside of La Noscea) If you want to unofficially pursue justice to help a friend, go for it! Just know that your character's standing with the Maelstrom can't help - unless they can persuade Commander Ostulmsyn to do something.

5. Always strike to stun

... Then make the arrest – never kill, even if they're armed. The Exception being in a battlefield situation where commanding officers have given kill orders.

6. No guests allowed in restricted areas (FC rooms) within the Command Center (FC house)

... Unless they have been granted special clearance from a Storm Captain or from Commander Ostulmsyn himself.

8. Weapons and magic are never to be used indoors at the Command Center (FC house)

... Weapons will always be checked in at the door.

9. Do not attempt to enter a maximum-security area without proper clearance

... From a Storm Captain or Commander Ostulmsyn. (These are the rooms in the FC house with an empty star at the beginning of the room description)

10. Carbuncles are not allowed indoors at the Command Center (FC house)

... Thanks to an unfortunate exploding carbuncle incident in the Mess Hall. Don't ask (but actually, please do ask LOL).

IC Consequences

The IC consequences of breaking IC rules vary and are decided via OOC discussion with the rule-breaker's player ahead of time. It's worth noting that we do not enforce corporal punishment, such as beatings, violence, etc., as consequences for breaking the IC rules. Our corner of the Maelstrom military is one that functions far more like family than it does a strict military order. Folks here are more motivated by love, friendship, and avoiding disappointing dad (AKA Dadmander Ostulmsyn) than they are out of fear.IC consequences can include (but are not limited to):

  • Being sent away to work on a farm in La Noscea for a bit

  • Janitorial duties around the Commander Center (FC House)

  • Time spent in the brigg

  • Grueling work-outs while a higher ranking officer yells at them

  • Being required to say sorry (perhaps the worst of them all!)

  • Etc.! (whatever you'd like, pretty much!)


How to join the Community

Follow each point in the instructions below and we'll get you in within about 3 days - usually less, depending on how busy the recruitment team is with IRL stuff. Please note that it's up to you to be proactive in contacting our recruitment team to set up a time for a brief OOC chat. If you fill out a character sheet but don't join the discord and say hi, then the chances are slim that one of the recruitment team members will reach out to you. You have to reach out to us. :)

1. Read the Rules, Ranks, and Uniform Requirements

Links for each can be found within this Carrd.

2. Fill our a Character Sheet

This should be done for each additional alt that you'd like to add to our roster in the future as well. You can find the character sheet here: https://goo.gl/forms/2ZYZugCjIZPnw6CL2

3. Join our Discord & contact a member of the Recruitment Team

We're all busy folks – you and us both! Ideally we'd like to get every new member in within 3 days after submitting a character sheet. In order to make that happen, however, we'll need you to be proactive in reaching out to one of our Recruitment Team Members. The easiest way is to join our discord and set up a time to chat: https://discord.gg/4zQ8ntZx4pIf you'd prefer to be on the lookout in game, however, watch for:

  • Sounsyy Mirke

  • Honoura Hawke

  • Rinh Panipahr

  • Jordan Kennedy

You can find them by either running a search function in-game (/sea) to see if they're currently online, or stop by our FC house (Mist W7:P2) and ask whoever you find there if they can see if one of the above is available to get you in.

About Joining the Free Company

After you've joined the community, you have the option to join the Free Company as well. Keep in mind that we're a Discord and LinkShell focused community and therefore we don't put any importance on joining the Free Company. In fact, we don't even use FC chat. Most folks join because they want to create a RP room in the house, or they might just need a place to park an alt for a bit while they're leveling. Any member of the Recruitment Team can get you into the FC, usually.If you do decide to join the FC, we've got a couple of FC specific rules:

1. Please refrain from chatting in FC Chat in-game

We're Discord and LinkShell focused and prefer to keep all of our communications to those channels.

2. All rooms should be themed RP rooms

We have an FC for the sake of having a house that's fully dedicated to our Maelstrom RP themes. We'd like all of the Private Chambers to be themed as well! For example, some ideas for themed rooms could be the brig, a watchtower, the evidence room, the locker room, the training simulation room, etc.! Got a cool idea for a room? Let Sylb know!

  • We pay you 300k from the FC chest for making a themed RP room in the FC house.

  • If you think that your themed room concept is a restricted area IC (for high-ranking personnel only), please add an empty star ☆ to the beginning of your room greeting.

  • If you think that your themed room concept is open to all personnel IC, please add a filled star ★ to the beginning of your room greeting.

  • If you're on a PS4/5 and you don't have access to these star icons ☆ ★, say so in LS chat and someone can send them to you in a /tell - you'll be able to copy/paste the icons from there.

3. Check with Sylb first before making any changes to the FC house decor

Sylb and the folks with the "Grounds Keeper" ranks are the ones who manage updates to the house decor. If you've got a neat idea for a change, let Sylb know!

Lyra Azori

The Basics

20 - 29
Foreign Levy
Not Applicable


  • Accounting

  • Arcanamia

Alice Eizenheim

The Basics

30 - 39


  • Navigation

  • Instruction

Popito Popoto

The Basics

20 - 29
Privateer (Black Sails)
Captain (of his own ship & crew)
Not Applicable


  • Swordsmanship

  • Piloting

  • Sea Sickness

Mahri Rhivesa

The Basics

20 - 29
Internal Affairs


  • Locksmithing

  • Picking,

  • Infiltration

  • Magical Theory

Jordan Kennedy

The Basics

50 - 59
Internal Affairs


  • Diplomacy

  • Intelligence Gathering

Rinh Panipahr

The Basics

20 - 29


  • Diplomacy

  • Law

Verges Seaborne

The Basics

20 - 29


  • Tactical planning

Kether Hollis

The Basics

40 - 49
Foreign Levy
Not Applicable


  • Surgery

  • Psychological couseling

  • Alchemy

Dogberry Himalspyr

The Basics

30 - 39


  • Tactics

  • Heavy Combat

Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn

The Basics

50 - 59
Commands all units in the 1-9


  • Diplomacy

  • Leadership

  • Verteran Sailor

  • Veteran Warrior

  • Dad Jokes

Major Contributions to the 1-9

  • Accepted the position of Commander and established the Maelstrom's 1st Squadron, 9th Levy six years (or so) after the Calamity

  • Negotiated with the Limsan Bomber and secured his arrest (Limsan Bombing Campaign)

  • Led his Levy to battle in Gyr Abania where they held Alliance control over the recently won Castrum Oriens (Stormblood MSQ Campaign)

  • more contributions coming later once I go through the campaign RP logs... <3

Adelaide Lightbringer

The Basics

40 - 49
Foreign Levy
Not Applicable (she's the cook!)


  • Cooking

  • Brewing

  • Fishing

  • Tavern Management

S'vash Tia

The Basics

20 - 29
Mealvaan's Gate
Not Applicable
Internal Affairs


  • Mealvaan Assessor

  • Import/Export Law

Grynsthal Tuberaklin

The Basics

20 - 29


  • Stealth

  • Sailing

Ojene Suinuet

The Basics

50 - 59
Sergeant, Legalman
Internal Affairs


  • Lawyer

  • Tactics

  • Interrogation

  • Garlean & Magitek intel